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Tiramisù Semifreddo

by Andrea Fiori

Food family: Dessert
Irinox model: MF 70.1
Weight: 600 gr
Thickness: 16 cm
Cycle used: Strong
Temperature: -18°C
Initial temperature of the food: 4 °C
Time: 40 min.
Ventilation level: 5

For the cocoa bisquit: gr 250 egg whites, 250 gr sugar, 160 gr egg yolk, 230 gr flour (160 w), gr 30 cocoa

For the Coffee Bagna: 100 grams of water, 80 grams of sugar, 50 grams of espresso coffee

For the semifreddo: gr 250 egg yolk, 100 grams water + 500 grams of sugar (to be brought to121 ° C), gr 8 gelatin powder, 200 gr fresh mscarpone, gr 250 semi-whipped cream


Tiramisù is the most popular Italian dessert in the world; here we present a recipe for a semifreddo version. Ingredients: egg yolk, sugar, biscuit, espresso coffee, mascarpone, gelatin sheets, semi-whipped cream, cocoa. 


Shock freezing ensures preservation at negative temperature for 5 weeks.

Thawing the product in the MultiFresh makes it possible to reduce thawing times and avoid excessive sudden temperature changes. 



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